ME 8140

M.E. 8140 – Thermoelasticity and Thermal Structures – was last offered in the Fall 2019 semester.  It will most likely be offered again in the Fall 2021 semester.  The course outline for the Fall 2019 version of the course is provided in this link: ME 8140 Course Outline – Fall 2019

Lecture Lecture Topics Lecture Handouts Lecture Notes HW Files
Quiz Files
1 Introduction; Thermal stress problem in high speed flight structures; Heat transfer in structures: conduction theory
2 Heat transfer in structures: radiation heat transfer – Part 1
3 Heat transfer in structures: radiation heat transfer – Part 2
4 Heat transfer in structures: convection heat transfer
5 Mechanical and Thermodynamics Foundations of Thermoelasticity
6 Formulation of the Thermoelastic Problem
7 Thermal Stresses in One-Dimensional Structures: rods and beams
8 Plane Thermoelastic Problems
9 Thermal Stresses in Cylinders
10 Thermal Stresses in Spherical Bodies; Thermal Stresses in Plates-Part 1
11 Thermal Stresses in Plates – Part 2
12 Thermally Induced Instability
13 Thermally Induced Vibrations